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A couple of new guns just finished.
- Gary Reeder, 2023-03-06, 17:05
Gary, If this Western Classic is still available,
- JPL, 2023-03-10, 22:43
- It's yours Jean (nm) - Gary Reeder, 2023-03-11, 21:07
The trigger engraving on the El Diablo puts
- ChrisG, 2023-03-07, 13:09
Made me look, the Hammer right?! (nm)
- WB, 2023-03-07, 19:51
- Yes, hammer. I can't blame autocorrect on that goof! (nm) - ChrisG, 2023-03-08, 21:24
- Right there with you... (nt) (nm) - AmBraCol, 2023-03-08, 05:36
Made me look, the Hammer right?! (nm)
- WB, 2023-03-07, 19:51
- Nice. I especially like that El Diablo! (nm) - Jim Taylor, 2023-03-06, 18:40
great workmanship (nm)
- Lynn41, 2023-03-06, 17:19
- Wow that's nice! (nm) - Derek, 2023-03-07, 17:15
Gary, If this Western Classic is still available,
- JPL, 2023-03-10, 22:43