Any friend of yalls is a friend of mine. I wonder what catriges in those revolvers he was shooting. Looks like some stout recoil there! May you have a great birthday sir! I hope it brings you great happiness!
Paco Kelly will be 85 Tomorrow- (Sept. 18)
- Jim Taylor, 2023-09-17, 05:46
- Happy Birthday, Paco. - Jared S, 2023-09-18, 06:12
- ¡¡Feliz cumpleaños, Paco!! - AmBraCol, 2023-09-18, 05:43
- Happy Birthday, Amigo! - AlanT, 2023-09-17, 19:46
- Happy birthday Mr. Kelly! Few are blessed so long! (nm) - WB, 2023-09-17, 18:20
- Happy Birthday Paco! (nm) - steve todd, 2023-09-17, 15:22
- Happy Birthday Paco... - ~JM~, 2023-09-17, 14:33
- Happy birthday Paco. (nm) - Lymey, 2023-09-17, 12:50
Happy birthday PACO!
- 475BISLEY480, 2023-09-17, 12:03
His favorite in those days - 454 Casull. (nm)
- Jim Taylor, 2023-09-17, 12:37
That's what I'm talking about! (nm)
- 475BISLEY480, 2023-09-17, 13:08
Paco today
- Gary Reeder, 2023-09-18, 12:14
- Paco said to thank John Taffin for the loan of the hat. (nm) - Gary Reeder, 2023-09-18, 13:50
Paco today
- Gary Reeder, 2023-09-18, 12:14
That's what I'm talking about! (nm)
- 475BISLEY480, 2023-09-17, 13:08
His favorite in those days - 454 Casull. (nm)
- Jim Taylor, 2023-09-17, 12:37
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD FRIEND. I - JT, 2023-09-17, 07:07
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY PACO! May Jesus Christ bless you. (nm) - SPB, 2023-09-17, 07:02
Happy Birthday. I have always enjoyed
- John W, 2023-09-17, 06:00
Happy Birthday Paco!!! (nm)
- Brian T, 2023-09-17, 07:00
Happy Birthday, Paco (nm)
- IC, 2023-09-17, 10:00
- Happy Birthday Paco! (nm) - Derek, 2023-09-18, 04:44
Happy Birthday, Paco (nm)
- IC, 2023-09-17, 10:00
Happy Birthday Paco!!! (nm)
- Brian T, 2023-09-17, 07:00