Took some digging...
Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 07:03

This is my first Reeder Custom. It had a stock, steel, Blackhawk grip frame. Not a good idea on a .475 LB. It actually cut my hand and made me bleed several times, just too much to hang onto.


I don't have the pictures handy, but Gary re-worked the gun later to a "Gunfighter" grip frame and more hand filling laminated grips. THIS made the gun tolerable. It was wonderfully accurate too. Regrettably I sold it to sponsor a Reeder Custom #6 to my specifications in .510 GNR, which I still have and use.



I've tried to keep tabs on the gun and its new owner (nice fellow who still has it) in case I have the opportunity to buy it back one day.

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