that bad back to life.
Remember this one. A Colt SAA?
- Gary Reeder, 2024-02-05, 18:12
- Well done so far Boss! (nm) - drdougrx, 2024-02-06, 05:18
Looks like you found good polishing compound! (nm)
- WB, 2024-02-05, 18:24
It takes a lot more than polishing compound to bring a gun
- Gary Reeder, 2024-02-05, 22:39
A poor polisher can ruin a job, that shows skill! (nm)
- WB, 2024-02-06, 10:30
- I've seen many nice guns ruined by a really - Gary Reeder, 2024-02-06, 15:41
A poor polisher can ruin a job, that shows skill! (nm)
- WB, 2024-02-06, 10:30
It takes a lot more than polishing compound to bring a gun
- Gary Reeder, 2024-02-05, 22:39
Coming along nicely, Gary. (nm)
- Jim Taylor, 2024-02-05, 18:15
thanks Jim (nm)
- Gary Reeder, 2024-02-05, 18:21
"Steady as she goes"............. (nm)
- JFS, 2024-02-06, 13:54
- AMEN on that (nm) - Gary Reeder, 2024-02-06, 15:41
"Steady as she goes"............. (nm)
- JFS, 2024-02-06, 13:54
thanks Jim (nm)
- Gary Reeder, 2024-02-05, 18:21