Several Italian and Spanish brands do as well. It allows solid top bolt locking of the action but breaks open farther to better access that bottom barrel on an O/U.
I almost made a hasty purchase on a shotgun
- WB, 2024-10-24, 08:08
For years shooting skeet I used an SKB
- Gary Reeder, 2024-10-24, 13:32
My model 600 was like this one. except darker wood.
- Gary Reeder, 2024-10-24, 16:37
- I’ve had two less embellished 500’s - WB, 2024-10-24, 20:25
They use the Greener type action I really like
- WB, 2024-10-24, 13:55
- That's a fact, super strong too without - Gary Reeder, 2024-10-24, 16:07
My model 600 was like this one. except darker wood.
- Gary Reeder, 2024-10-24, 16:37
That orange lovely ought to be a shoe-in
- jthomson, 2024-10-24, 11:04
- LOL the thing shoots straight! - WB, 2024-10-24, 13:53
For years shooting skeet I used an SKB
- Gary Reeder, 2024-10-24, 13:32