like it's AI generated. It apparently has a revolving cylinder, but it ALSO has a magazine tube running through the forestock. The sights are funky, too. And the hammer isn't clearly defined. There's no blast shield where the top chamber would be supported in order for it to fire through the barrel. I'd admire to see a better image of it if it IS a real firearm, but my money's on a computer trying to generate an image of something it doesn't understand. There is a LOT of AI "photography" floating around now.
I'm a peaceful man and prefer the pursuit of peaceful sports. Those involving teams and balls of any sort tend to be deleterious to one's body and promote violence by both spectators and participants.
a shotgun question for you. What is it?
- Gary Reeder, 2024-10-29, 10:39
- It looks... - AmBraCol, 2024-10-31, 09:47
Not sure, but I bet the blast that escapes between the bbl
- SPB, 2024-10-29, 16:24
- I think it is one of those little 9mm shotshells, maybe. (nm) - Gary Reeder, 2024-10-29, 16:43