Growing up my father had us always driving the culls that didn’t sell as well. Not bad cars but green cars or trucks. Lots of Fords as they sold slower. Gun dealers seem to end up with some interesting leftovers.
I’ve always said when I was too old to shoot much I’d just collect .25 autos and be happy. John Browning designed the 6.35 around the small pistol center fire primer. It was as small a case as he deemed workable, and gave it a semi-rim for revolver use. I’ve seen one Ruger Blackhawk, an 8-shot .25 ACP, just to see it done. Generally, unless something is amiss, they always work. Don’t blow money with fancy expensive HP or expanding ammo. It’s a waste, gimmick. Load up the 50 gr. FMJ and rock on. It’s worked since 1905 and still does. My little Astra is a copy, with mods, of the original FN and later 1908 Colt clone itself. Gary’s little hammer Colt .25 was actually made by Astra for Colt.
I mentioned retiring my PD so I went thru
- Gary Reeder, 2024-11-26, 15:05
so from the perspective of an old fart, if something is good
- jthomson, 2024-11-27, 08:56
- Good point Jon. Stops me every time I think about changing - SPB, 2024-11-27, 10:51
- Love to see your odd specials. As a car dealer - WB, 2024-11-26, 19:21
Star PD replacement
- CHIPKING, 2024-11-26, 15:41
- Hi-Power. It is a beauty. (nm) - SPB, 2024-11-26, 15:50
- It is already sold. (nm) - Gary Reeder, 2024-11-26, 15:42
so from the perspective of an old fart, if something is good
- jthomson, 2024-11-27, 08:56