There seems to be a drop in interest for tinkering
Thursday, January 09, 2025, 07:27

In the 1950's a guy might totally rework a military rifle or target accurize his 1911 or revolver in his garage. It seems not near as many guys are interested in the old things. Doomed to relearn history the hard way.

The .22 cal. is probably the best option for that platform. The .30 has already been done (.30 Luger). Last I heard of that was John Taffin playing with an extra barrel on a foreign based Ruger P85. It barely made a ripple. Sometimes fun just costs too much. I'd like to try the TCM some day, maybe.

I had a FA in .224-327 and much to Bob's cringe I used .32 H&R brass to make cases. I did it in one easy pass with no trimming and didn't ruin near as many cases. I think that case might have more merit than the .327. The H&R case is easier to fit in a Single-six chassis as well.

One of my regrets is not playing with your .30-.357 as an option to the .300 GNR. It really makes sense.

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