I enjoyed that very much! Memories...
Monday, January 27, 2025, 15:46

As a boy of 10-12 yrs. old we used to roam the woods with handgun. I had access to several .22's. A Ruger Std. auto 4-3/4", High Standard "Longhorn" 5.5", Ruger Bearcat, and a gold cylindered FIE .22 WMR. My friend had only a 6.5" OM single-six. I pined to shoot it constantly, offering mine in momentary trade. We shot mostly turtles, snakes, and bullfrongs out to quite extended ranges. A few very unlucky larger critters as well. Ammo was a penny a shot and no one told us pistols would not shoot as far as rifles. The sights were just more difficult to work.

Somehow I had difficulty translating this to centerfire shooting a few years later. My pride and joy was a .44 Mag. Super BH. Finally I migrated to the .357 with a scoped 8" Python that I could really shoot! I did finally get to where I could shoot the .44 accurately. It got me into casting as well for the frugality and sure availability of projectiles. I never did get a .45 Colt Ruger until much later in life. The big S&W .25-5, while gorgeous, did not satisfy. I still have no Ruger .45's, just FA's. But I'll manage.

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