Another new big boy's toy. Recently we introduced our new Half Breed which is doing very well. It is chambered in calibers like 44 Special, 45 Long Colt and 44 Magnum. Recently we have had a few folks ask if we were going to put it out in larger calibers. Well, no. But we do have a brand new offering for you in a larger caliber, and I mean LARGER. This is our new Magnum Packer and this baby is intended for packing in places were there are things that will gladly eat you. The Magnum Packer is not for the limp wristed twinkle toes out there. It is a balls to the wall MAGNUM PACKER. The first Magnum Packer is chambered in 475 Linebaugh in honor of my good friend John Linebaugh and I think he would approve. The gun has a 4" barrel, perfect for packing in bad territory. It has a set back trigger for the utmost in accuracy. It has a beefy 5 shot cylinder for obvious reasons. It has the Magnum Gripframe so you can hang on to it better. The grips are satin Midnight Corian. It is finished in our satin Vapor Honed Black Chromex for no shine and has a jeweled hammer and trigger. It has an interchangeable blade front sight and can be in either red, or green fiber optic or the gold bead or the standard black ramp. The gun shown has the gold bead. The gun is built on your Ruger Blackhawk or Super Blackhawk.
Now, this gun is not for everyone. If you find yourself in places where you need the most on self protection, then this one is for you. But if you don't like recoil, then stay with our Half Breed.
Our new Magnum Packer is built on your Ruger single action and is priced at $1995 on your gun. We have managed to get our delivery time down to 4 to 5 months if you send in your base gun fairly soon. And like all our full custom guns, one third down and we get started on your new Magnum Packer.
Also as I mentioned the recoil is a bit of a thumper so for $200 more we will have it ported to soften up the recoil.
The MAGNUM PACKER...$1995 on your Ruger.
- colleen reeder, 2024-10-03, 12:55
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- Magnum Packer - colleen reeder, 2025-01-30, 16:10
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- Half Breed - colleen reeder, 2024-12-03, 16:06