I've been using Weaver 2-8X but they got $$$
Saturday, January 28, 2017, 09:22

Bought mine on sale for $150. They too are made in China. Difficult to find a name brand variable handgun scope for less than $400.

I bought a half dozen cheap China 2-7X Burris copies from China for $50 each. Moderately used they have held up well. I'm not sticking any on a .476 GNR etc.

Usually I do stick my name brand hunting scopes on for real hunting. (I took a couple head in TX with the soft shooting 7 GNR and Cheap China scope) For rough duty sighting and load development the Simmons 4X (China of course)is a good value and if/when it breaks they will replace for free. Not a bad scope to throw in the bag for a back up, usually under $100.

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