Another foot of snow overnight and it's

Gary Reeder
Friday, January 20, 2023, 12:03 (553 days ago)

still snowing. A little before dark I ran the snow blower up and down the driveway to keep it somewhat clear. This morning you couldn't even see where I plowed. I ran it up and down again several times an hour or so ago but the way it's snowing right now it will be right back in an hour or two. Colleen and Kase made it out and went to the shop. There is way too much to do here. Our wood stoves are going thru the wood like shit thru a goose.
You guys east of us may be in for a real gully washer as this mess turns into rain on the way toward you. Stock up with the essentials in case you lose electricity and such.

We are ready here in this part of Texas.

Jim Taylor
Friday, January 20, 2023, 12:05 (553 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

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If this keeps up with the snow

Darryl T.
Friday, January 20, 2023, 13:12 (553 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

I won't be stopping by on our return trip from Quartzsite. Couldn't stop on the way here. Was fighting 40 mph headwind from the storm that gave you 3 feet the first of the month.

We've had some rough weather too in No. Georgia.......

Friday, January 20, 2023, 18:45 (553 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

A storm came through about 5 weeks ago, it was a real gale! I'd have mentioned it sooner, but we been real busy. Trees 2-3 inches around and 3 feet tall snapped like toothpicks. Mostly pines but a few harder woods like Tulip Poplar... Been picking up twigs for a few weeks now, as well as a whole tone of pine cones. They are pretty easy to see against the green/white patchy background. We've been pretty much ok. I've been drinking beer and peein' on the larger piles of frozen water (it seems to shrink 'em down a good bit) and we have almost made our way to the stairs down to our wood pile. "Watch out where the husky guy goes and dont you eat that.." Anyway; If it gets below 50 it's a chore haulin' the logs up to the fireplace. It's not that it's difficult, just laborious as it's too warm for a fire anyways.

Don't worry, we are fine and pray for our "Old Westians" out there in the wilds of AZ.
Keep your powder dry; and warm. Keep the faith, spring is a commin'


No drought here either

AmBraCol ⌂, The Center Of God's Grace
Saturday, January 21, 2023, 06:05 (553 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

between the Canal and the Equator. Our snow is in the form of rain and occasional hail over the past week. The last time we got a good picture of the Nevado de Ruiz there was no evidence of that "shrinking glacier" they've been telling us about. The whole mountain top was solid white. Right now I'm waiting on our work crew to come work on replacing the roof. These cement/fiber tiles need sun and dryness to be safe to work on though. Hope that ol' sun breaks out soon so we can get on with the job. At least we don't have to shovel or blow our precipitation!

I'm a peaceful man and prefer the pursuit of peaceful sports. Those involving teams and balls of any sort tend to be deleterious to one's body and promote violence by both spectators and participants.

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