.45 Short Colt

Jim Taylor
Monday, May 22, 2023, 05:37 (432 days ago)

Speaking of "short" .45 Colts Elmer Keith wrote "...Some newcomers to the game claim there is no such animal, but if they had shot the short variety that Remington turned out in such profusion before, during and after World War I they would see there was some basis in referring to the .45 Colt as the .45 Long..." (Sixguns, page 285)

As far as I know there have never been any .45 Colt cartridges headstamped "Long" and though I have reports of old cartridge boxes marked "45 Long" I have never personally seen any. Mr. Keith referred to them from time to time as "long" Colt's (with a small "L"). If you have ever seen the short Colt .45's you can understand why.

The Winchester .45 Colt's that Paco and I have came from Shootist Keith Owlett who gave them to us a short time before he passed on. The cartridge box is deteriorated and I have it put away - at least what's left of it. But it is plainly marked ".45 Colt Government". The headstamp on the cartridges is ".45 Colt" ...BUT these are SHORT .45 Colts! The headstamp is the same as the longer .45 Colts, even down to the "W" on the primers.

These are NOT S&W or Schofield cartridges. The rim diameter is the same as the long .45 Colts, which is smaller than the Schofield rim diameter. These are true .45 Short Colts. The cartridge is listed in Cartridges of the World on page 306 as ".45 Colt - .45 Colt Government".

I can visualize someone walking into a hardware store around the turn of the last century and asking for a box of .45 Colt's. As the clerk pulls down a box the customer says, "Not the short ones. I want the Long Colts!" and the name ".45 Long Colt" came down to us as a "user-applied" name, not a factory name.

The case is 1.1" long. The powder charge was black powder, approximately 28 grains. The bullet weighed right at 230 gr. and was lubed with a white chalky-looking substance. I fired one from my Ruger 7 1/2" barreled .45 and it went through the chronograph at near 750 fps.

A few days after chronographing I went out in the hills and called up a nice large coyote and shot him with the .45 short. He ran to within 10 feet of me, responding to the call. I pulled the gun up and shot, hitting him up through the right shoulder and spine, dropping him instantly. The little pointy bullet did not damage the pelt at all. I was able to tan the hide and make a nice looking wall hanging from it.

He was probably the last critter on earth ever killed with a short .45 Colt!

I wrote this up .. I think it was in Guns & Ammo (but I am not sure anymore .. it could have been one of the other Peterson Publication's magazines) ... somewhere between 1985 and 1989.




Most interesting. Thank you Jim.

Monday, May 22, 2023, 10:29 (432 days ago) @ Jim Taylor

- No text -

Thanks Jim, I always thought they were referring

Monday, May 22, 2023, 10:55 (432 days ago) @ SPB

To the Schofield or SW round as the short. That 45 Short worked on that yote, I would like to get one close enough to shoot with my 1911 45. They are always trotting or running!
One got into my neighbors kittens a couple weeks ago.


The story of the 45 Short and 45 Long Colt are

Gary Reeder
Monday, May 22, 2023, 10:39 (432 days ago) @ Jim Taylor

explained in Cartridges of the World under 45 Government. They explain that there was a 45 short and 45 Long Colt and list more info about them, pretty much what Jim just explained. I grew up with the name 45 Long Colt from my Dad who apparently had one of each shortly after WW2. Having read the story there in COTW and seeing Jim's flattened box of 45 Short Colt, and seeing a lot of guns coming in from Europe and elsewhere marked 45 Long Colt I think I will stick with the Long Colt moniker. I have been putting the caliber "45 Long Colt" on our custom guns for nearly 40 years and will continue to do so unless the customer asks for the caliber "45 Colt".
By the way one of our ATF friends mentioned that they like to see the name "45 Long Colt" as some of their agents think 45 Colt is the 1911. Then there is the term "Colt 45" which is often mistaken for the 1911 by the younger crowd. But that is the same crowd that think the 44 Magnum was developed by Clint Eastwood. And the beat goes on.

Colt 45, isn't that what Lamont Sanford drank?

Darryl T.
Monday, May 22, 2023, 14:10 (431 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

Fred drank champipple. Champagne and ripple...

I think Jim’s late, and handy assembly of research

Monday, May 22, 2023, 11:28 (432 days ago) @ Jim Taylor

In both .45 and .41 long and short, will be a lasting resource. Perhaps there will be a revolver awaking one day. Taffin’s work on the .44 cal. has also been very enlightening. Thank God for the continued interest and work these men have blessed us with.

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