Our Super Storm hit us the night before last

Gary Reeder
Thursday, February 08, 2024, 11:28 (169 days ago)

and hit us big time. We had 28" of snow on our back deck when we got up. I got the snow blower out and managed to get the driveway cleared enough for Colleen to get out and to the shop. The snow continued heavy all day and I had to run the snow blower over the drive 3 more times yesterday afternoon. I keep a bunch of 1" X 8 feet dowel rods and I stick them down into the snow to show us where the driveway is.
When we got up this morning we had almost 4 feet of snow in the flats in the back yard and well over 4 feet in the drifts. Both of our trucks were completely covered and the radio mentioned that everything was closed due to the heavy snow. I-10 and I-17 were shut down as were the smaller highways. So we called it a day and stayed home. I went out and fed the chickens and the drifts were well over my waist. It was hard work just plowing thru the drifts. The snow is still coming down hard and my path out thru the back yard to the chicken pen is almost completely covered up.
You guys east and north east of us may be in for a real super storm in a couple of days. Good luck.

These pics were another storm about 2 weeks ago. This

Gary Reeder
Thursday, February 08, 2024, 12:31 (169 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

storm is much worse.

Looks like a lot of weight on the roof.

Thursday, February 08, 2024, 13:21 (169 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

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Yes it is but our roof is canted enough to keep it from

Gary Reeder
Thursday, February 08, 2024, 18:27 (169 days ago) @ Paul

piling up.

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