The joys of getting older…
Friday, July 26, 2024, 16:16 (176 days ago)
Getting old day by day
Ron Orbeck
Saturday, July 27, 2024, 11:27 (175 days ago) @ SPB
When danger lurks around you in the night and you pack enough good living to make a good fight till morning. One fart away from total distruction! This is one true statement. Stay in god’s good graces. Say a prayer every night at bed time.
Sometimes I think the getting older is by the
Gary Reeder
Saturday, July 27, 2024, 11:40 (175 days ago) @ Ron Orbeck
minute and not the hour or day. Sometimes I catch myself muttering "damn, I didn't have this much trouble doing this yesterday".
You know what I love about getting older......
Sunday, July 28, 2024, 10:00 (174 days ago) @ Gary Reeder
Not a DAMN thing. Oh well, embrace the suck and press on!
I don't know that I
Sunday, July 28, 2024, 16:08 (174 days ago) @ Marco
embrace getting older. How ever it does beat the alternative.
The Silver lining of the aging issue...
Monday, July 29, 2024, 08:02 (173 days ago) @ IC
I do find that I savor and appreciate things more. I try to pause, at things like the HHC, and absorb the fellowship and Blessing. I remember doing that as a kid. One Thanksgiving something came over me. Something told me to see the gathering for what it truly was. I had both sets of Grandparents together and and aunts and uncles, cousins. I went and listened to the old men tell tales, then transitioned to the ladies and listened to them as well. I really enjoyed my family. The very next year three of them were gone, today about 85% are no longer around for me to enjoy. I can only look forward, and I actually do, to the time I will be reunited with them on the other side. As a believer in Christ I have that hope. It's a GOOD thing.
We also have a responsibility, or at least opportunities, to provide education and impress some wisdom, on some level, to the next generation. It can be a Blessing as well. If they will listen.
I try to put some stuff in writing - on paper ..
Jim Taylor
Monday, July 29, 2024, 10:31 (173 days ago) @ WB
with the hope that one day those who need it will find it and read it.
Little things ... Life advise ... Such as "Cowboy up and stop being such a pussy! So you got a boo-boo? Big deal. It'll stop bleeding. Wrap a rag around it and carry on!"
"Never hold anger. Forgive the person and move on. Not forgiving and not moving on is like drinking poison with the hope that it will kill the other person.
No. Forgiveness does not mean what they did was OK. It means you let go and trust God to deal with them. They are His problem."
Kamala says it best.... or Musk says so
Gary Reeder
Monday, July 29, 2024, 10:57 (173 days ago) @ Jim Taylor
Elon's ad was so good I put it on here again
Gary Reeder
Monday, July 29, 2024, 10:59 (173 days ago) @ Gary Reeder
- No text -
hey, wait a minute. All that is serious stuff
Gary Reeder
Monday, July 29, 2024, 11:30 (173 days ago) @ WB
Reeder Custom is not the place for serious stuff unless it is serious stuff like Jim Taylor's post above this, or maybe it is below this. Either way it is serious stuff and like Kamala Jim can be serious especially during one of his serious periods, although that doesn't happen very often as he is usually only serious when he has his cowboy hat on. The rest of the time he is sorta like WB and you can't tell what the hell he is saying. So let's be more like Jim and a lot less like Alcorn Russell. Alcorn isn't serious. It is just because you can't make any sense out of what he just said. Nuff said.