We have been working hard to get this new Half Breed

Gary Reeder
Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 11:00 (19 days ago)

finished before we leave for the HHC. We finished it this morning and it is ready for a new owner.
This Half Breed is a beauty in 357 Magnum. It has the normal 4½" barrel, modified Bisley hammer, full soft satin stainless finish. Positive Performance Package. Set Back trigger for even more accuracy. The normal Half Breed gripframe with ivory Corian grips. These new Half Breed guns have being going out the door as fast as we can build them, so this is your chance. All the bells and whistles and priced right too at $1795.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 12:24 (19 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

I will take that one if no one else has! One favour, put my name on it as Joe Schvimmer the Old Breed and a Marine Corps symbol on the cylinder. You will have plenty of time to do it as I don't leave for Florida until the beginning of November, and you can hold it for me until then!

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