First day HHC pics
Kase Reeder
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 12:31 (137 days ago)
What a beast! Well done.
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 12:59 (137 days ago) @ Kase Reeder
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My two go to guns, both with 8 to 9" barrels. The 41 GNR
Gary Reeder
Thursday, October 03, 2024, 18:09 (130 days ago) @ SPB
and the 375 GNR handguns.
Brian T
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 13:28 (137 days ago) @ Kase Reeder
41 GNR does it again?
Of course
Kase Reeder
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 14:22 (137 days ago) @ Brian T
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Congrats! Sooo jealous!
Friday, September 27, 2024, 04:21 (136 days ago) @ Kase Reeder
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Getting it done, with the 41GNR. It has been my "Go To Gun"
Dave H.
Saturday, September 28, 2024, 09:32 (135 days ago) @ Kase Reeder
for several years and has yet to let me down. I have blown several scopes out from under it, but that's not the guns fault. I drowned a Nilgai but that wasn't the gun's fault. So far 12 big 750 lb to 2000 LB critters taken with that gun. All but 2 with one shot each. That was luck on my part. All taken with a 210 grain or 220 grain silhouette bullet.
I was crying and whining on here one day (I do that a lot) that I was just about out of 41 caliber silhouette bullets (the only bullets that gun has ever had thru it).
About a week later a 15 lb box of silhouette bullets came in from my best friend, John Taffin. There were about 25 boxes of bullets in that big box, enough to last me a lifetime, and in case I haven't said it lately....THANK YOU JOHN. I'll do a hoochy koochy dance at your next wedding.
And if I haven't said so lately to you Misfits, keep your friends close and treasure them. A couple of years ago I was whining (again) on here that I had an African Lion hunt in a few weeks and no 375 caliber Hornady Dangerous Game Bullets. I called another good friend, Steve Hornady and told him I needed a couple of boxes of the DGB bullets. He said OK but about an hour later he called back and said he didn't have a box of 375 caliber bullets in the building and he had an African hunt scheduled about the same time as mine. He said to let him look some more.
Again he called and said one of his employees thought he had a box of the new DGB bullets at home and would run home and check. Steve called again and said his employee had an almost full box, 41 bullets to be exact. Steve split them for us and gave me 20 bullets and kept the remaining 21 bullets which saved my bacon. It also saved my African lion hunt.
So again to another very good friend and gentleman, Steve Hornady, THANK YOU STEVE. If any of you need some of the finest reloading equipment, talk to the fine folks at Hornady.
If you go to the sale-barn and buy a steer
Monday, September 30, 2024, 08:57 (133 days ago) @ Kase Reeder
current prices are north of $250 per 100 lbs. That's a possibility of over $3500 for a common "cow" that ultimately becomes your steak and hamburger. Alan has had some of these critters a while, or bought/raised them when they were much cheaper. With on-site processing and a little sport thrown in for good measure it's quite the bargain.
This was a female Watusi. Alan had tried to
Gary Reeder
Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 14:40 (132 days ago) @ WB
breed her twice and it never took so he asked me to have a talk with her. The 41 GNR did the talking. That is 12 with one shot each, plus one Nilgai that I drowned.
This one filled up 3 large coolers of steaks and burger.
This was the first day and you can see the storm clouds coming in behind me. The storm hit that evening and stayed with us the rest of the hunt. Kase and Robert and I took our soaked clothes down to the lodge dryer and dryed them but 15 minutes after going back out we were soaked. We dried our clothes 4 or 5 times but it didn't help. We were walking in inches of water with leaves and grass on top of the water. Our boots never dried out at all.
In this picture Robert and the guides were loading Robert's Dall sheep about halfway down the steep hill while Lynn's son had fun playing in the rain.
This was one of the steep hills we climbed several times during the hunt in the rain and mud and slick leaves. I was about half way down the hill when I took the picture.
About half way down I spooked several goats out of an overhang out of the wind and rain.
The animals liked to go to the bottom of the hills and we rousted several big herds of Fallow and Sika does plus herds of elk and large Fallow deer plus Red Stag bulls and dozens of hogs. Behind the goats you can see several Sika and Fallow does heading toward the bottom of the hill.
This is Kase and Robert in a hard driving rain trying to catch up with a couple of big hogs. You can't really see the heavy rain in this pic but it and the fog were with us the whole hunt after the first morning.
Kase hunted like his old man with his gun in his hand all the time.
There was never a time that we said "screw it, I'm going back to the lodge" My truck was right there in the pic but other than trying to drive around a gully to try and catch up with Kase's big hog we never gave up . We stayed out in the rain and fog the whole time except when it was time to go in and eat. We went there to hunt and that was what we did.
Here is Kase's monster hog with Lynn getting ready to skin it.
That hog was worth every minute of the rain and fog.
I gotta know...
Wednesday, October 02, 2024, 17:27 (131 days ago) @ Gary Reeder
How is watusi on the grill? I'm guessing the steaks are pretty good.
It is just like any young steer or heifer except
Gary Reeder
Thursday, October 03, 2024, 13:49 (130 days ago) @ BigBoreGuy
the critters we hunt don't have all the chemicals. I shot a young Yak years ago and it was really good eating.