A good friend wants to hunt a big mule deer but

Gary Reeder
Friday, January 24, 2025, 14:42 (18 days ago)

doesn't know where to start for a good guide. I don't think money matters as he drives a $250,000 Mercedes 2 seater sports car. Know anyone?


Friday, January 24, 2025, 16:27 (18 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

Have not hunted muledeer with him but 5 of us have booked a hunt with him in October for elk seems like a straight shooter

Give this guy a call

Brian T
Saturday, January 25, 2025, 16:23 (17 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

I am hunting with one of his outfitters in Spain later this year


Rawhide Creek Outfitters, Wyoming

Jim & Nancy Frost
Sunday, January 26, 2025, 14:12 (16 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

Nancy hunted with these guys 2 years ago. Took a big mule deer, a pronghorn and cow elk in 3 days.

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