Alcorn has been digging up relatives for the October HHC. So

Gary Reeder
Friday, January 24, 2025, 17:07 (18 days ago)

far he has 7 people on his list with deposits made. They are...
Allen Evans
Russ Russell
David Russell
Jason Butts
Jim Luckett
Russell Cook
Alcorn Russell
With my crew here that gives us 10 so far.
If you plan on making the hunt and have already put your deposit down let me know so I can keep up with the folks planning on making the hunt. Two years ago we had between 55 and 60 people there and are hoping for another big group for this years. The hunt is October 2 thru 5 and is at the normal spot for the hunt, that being the Wilderness Hunting Lodge in Monterey Tennessee. If you are planning on making it, call Sandy at 931-979-4050 and put your name on the list. And even though it is called the Handgun Hunter's Challenge you do not have to use a handgun. You can hunt with whatever you like. I look forward to this hunt every year as it gives me a chance to spend some time with old friends and meet new friends. One of the good things about this hunt is that you can bring your wife, lady friend or kids and make it a family gathering.
The hunt is held on approximately 15,000 acres split up into 3 or 4 parcels. One is steep hills and deep canyons that are full of hogs, another two sections are rolling hills that are where the deer, exotic sheep, Elk, Bison, Water Buffalo and other exotic animals are found. Another large parcel is more pastures and thick woods with more Buffalo, Nilgai, Spanish goats, elk and other exotic critters. So you have a choice of animals to hunt. These parcels of woods, pastures and steep hillsides are often hard to hunt as the animals stay spooked and sneaking up on them is usually the best way to get a shot. Here are some of the animals taken over the last couple of hunts.

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