Some lingering thoughts on the .21 Sharp

Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 09:11 (14 days ago)

I'm getting old enough I'm really skeptical of anything new. At first I just didn't get it. Now I sort of do. The .21 Sharp is an industry attempt to make suitble lead free ammo with enough positive benefits, at a manageable price point, it will become an accepted addition to the rimfire world. I love the .17 HMR, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. The little .17 Mach 2 sounded cool but I never got to play with it. My buddy did mod a 10/22 for it and had a case head rupture. It blew out the mag but was otherwise OK. I thought it would be great for head shooting fox squirrels.

The .21 sharp is simply the .22 LR case with an inside crimped conventional type bullet rather than a heeled lead bullet. The reason / need for the .21 cal. diameter bore. Very intelligent and practical approach. Hopefully most rimfire platforms will only require a new barrel to be adapted. Winchester and Savage have several models of rifles available right now, ammo too. (I have not seen semi-autos, might need some special attention on blow back systems) However it's cost is $25/100, kind of close to the sale discount store .22 WMR pricing. But this should get better. Can California carry the need for this "lead free" hunting round? I guess some other states have no lead rules too. It's goofy but the tech is adapting to make it null, to a point. In retrospect it may be a very rational and efficient effort. No doubt Winchester is spending millions.

A friend was totally jazzed about the idea of the new round so it got me to considering it. The ammo runs from 25-42 grains and 1500-1800 fps. Faster than a "Stinger" and it's not designed for plinking, but hunting specifically. Range should be extended a bit by the improved B.C. of the projectile. Hopefully.

Being the LR case I expect handgun performance, when it trickles down, to be more efficient than .22 WMR in handguns. Most of my .22 WMR revolvers only run about 1350 fps for the standard JHP. Only 200 fps faster than the antique .22 LR. But the jacketed bullet is so much better designed.

It might be interesting to play with it after all.

If you handload the .22 Long Rifle

Jim Taylor
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 10:07 (14 days ago) @ WB

you can beat the Magnum ... using steel cases so you don't blow the case head.

.22 Ruger Single Six 6” barrel

.22 Long Rifle 40 gr. cast FP 2.0 gr. Bullseye – 1424 fps
.22 Long Rifle 38 gr. cast HP 2.0 gr. Bullseye – 1489 fps

I had one of those mold crimpers found at a bargain

Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 13:05 (14 days ago) @ Jim Taylor

I think it would be lots of fun. People Poo-poo the old 5mm Remington but it was pretty salty, a 38 gr. at 2100 fps? I never saw the 30 gr. at 2400. We shot a Remington bolt gun some and it was flat shooting no doubt but the light weight .22 WMR 30 gr. loading totally made it unneeded. I've not tred the Winchester 25 gr. NTX load at 2100 fps. The .17 HMR at 2600 fps for a 17 gr. is so much fun busting water filled 12 oz. soda cans at 200 meters. With a bipod and solid rest most children can manage it, on a calm day.

As I mentioned my little 6" Taurus runs 2100 fps! Lots of fun.

JIm, have you measured any .22 CF bullet check shanks?

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 08:23 (13 days ago) @ WB

I wonder if they would work as a "heel" to use in RF loading. But my bullets out of the mould usually show .225" and you's need .222-.223 for the .22 LR.

I found this special made tool for pellet guns. I know it would be easy to make one that incorporated a "heel" on the projectile. How do you lube your tinkering .22 LR bullets?

No I haven't. The .223/5.56 bullets work well.

Jim Taylor
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 08:28 (13 days ago) @ WB

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WB , .223 or .224 lube die, I have a Star .223 that works

Sean Harper
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 10:24 (13 days ago) @ WB

good. I run them thru the Magma/Star machine . I have a Noe .225-46?GC mold. I use the GC part as the heel, works good.


You talk about "lots of fun" when the do gooders and

Gary Reeder
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 13:20 (12 days ago) @ WB

anti lead people screw you and want to take away the lead 22 LR rounds. You don't make sense. What ever happened to standing up for our rights. All you seem to care about is you getting a new toy to play with. To you it's all a game.

I know I sound like an old goat that won't accept

Gary Reeder
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 14:59 (13 days ago) @ WB

changes but personally I don't think it will ever fly. There are just too many 22 LR guns out there and to many gun owners that won't chalk up another $100 to change their gun over to this new caliber. Many of them aren't worth $100. Plus in my opinion, I hate changing everything because a bunch of California do gooders want to change to the no lead way of life.

With all this talk I wonder how many million rounds of 22

Gary Reeder
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 15:11 (13 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

LR ammo are stashed away and how many are bought every early spring when Walmart and the other big box stores have their after hunting season sales. This anti lead crap makes as much sense as getting rid of all gasoline vehicles. The car companies that drank the Kool Aid and stocked up on all electric vehicles are mostly crying the blues these days. And they get what they deserve.

I think you make perfect sense. “If it ain’t broke…”

Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 15:52 (13 days ago) @ Gary Reeder

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The 21 Sharp is just another ploy to give the

Gary Reeder
Thursday, January 30, 2025, 13:36 (12 days ago) @ WB

anti lead people more ammo to use against us saying "you don't need the lead 22 LR anymore as you now have the 21 Sharp". It's all a game to screw us. This 21 Sharp is another reason for the anti lead people to ban all 22 LR ammo. It's just common sense.

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