especially some Spanish rifles rechambered to .308 ... cuz it fits ...
New Sig Fury for new military rifle
- SPB, 2024-04-03, 07:37
Interesting ...
- Jim Taylor, 2024-04-03, 08:21
The whole thing is nuts. In the Guns & Ammo article you can
- Gary Reeder, 2024-04-03, 11:27
- True. I can't believe some guns I have seen ... - Jim Taylor, 2024-04-03, 11:31
- Agree. Interesting points on re-barreling. (nm) - SPB, 2024-04-03, 09:16
The whole thing is nuts. In the Guns & Ammo article you can
- Gary Reeder, 2024-04-03, 11:27
Interesting ...
- Jim Taylor, 2024-04-03, 08:21