Jim Taylor
It has been rainy which gave me an excuse ...
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 13:47

to hang out in the shop and load some ammo. I had been shooting the 480 Achilles last week. Pictures are posted somewhere below .. and I decided to clean the brass and load them while it rained.

I decided to use the Huffaker hollow-base heel bullet that was designed for the .476 Ely. I cast these from fairly pure lead and they are nominally 290 grains.


I loaded these over 7.0 gr. of Unique. The hollow base adds room to the "combustion chamber" and thus lowers pressures. The 7.0 grain load with the hollow base bullet produces right at the same velocity as the 6.5 gr. load produces with the solid base bullet ... 850 fps.

I lubed the bullets with Paco's Apache Blue Lube.


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