Gary Reeder
I am sort of like Jim (although he is a lot
Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:30

better shot than I am) but most of my snakes were Copperheads and Cotton Mouth Water Moccasins and Cotton Headed Rattle Mouths, but I have never shot a snake with shotshells.
Many years ago Kase and I were hunting squirrels in Tennessee and walking slow and quiet thru the woods when Kase whispered for me to stop. I stopped and he pointed at my feet. There was a smaller Copperhead at my feet. I had already stepped over him with one foot and the other was on the other side of him. It was like he couldn't make up his mind which foot to strike. We were walking on a path that I had cleared out a year or two before that for one of our combat shoots, so the snake was very obvious, not covered up with leaves or anything,.
I told Kase to slowly back up about 10 feet. When he did that the snake was still bobbing his head back and forth like he didn't know which foot to hit. I had my favorite 22 rifle at the time, a Marlin 99M1 22 LR.

I put the end of the barrel down next to him so that the bullet would go straight down and when he did a semi-strike I pulled the trigger. The bullet went right down his throat.

I have shot quite a few Cotton Mouth Water Moccasin snakes and I really hate those snakes. They will just keep right on coming at you, until you kill him. I had one get in a canoe with us once and I ended up beating him to death with the paddle. And even then he still wasn't going to give up. He was beat to a pulp but still trying to strike.

I think these snakes were over in Jim Taylor's part of the country years ago.
This is one or two too many snakes for me.

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