Gary Reeder
I had a Misfit ask about the differences in the
Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 11:26

375 GNR and the 375 GNR#2. Here are the 2 with the 375 GNR on the left.


The 375 GNR was developed on the 445 Super Mag case necked up. Velocities run in the 2000 fps up to 2300 fps according to the bullet used. We have chambered several stretch frame revolvers in the 375 GNR, and we have also chambered quite a few Contenders and G-2s in this cartridge.

The 375 GNR#2 was developed using the 45-70 case necked down to 375. Velocities run from 2100 up to 2400 fps according to the bullet used. It was developed for the Encore and we have also chambered a few Marlin 1895s in it. Pressures are a bit high for the Contender. The G-2 would be OK with it as long as the person loading it watches for pressure signs.

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