Gary Reeder
looking back over some of the posts from 2012 down at
Saturday, January 28, 2017, 10:59

the bottom of this page I found this...

Lee Jurras and John Linebaugh are two of my favorite friends. Sometimes as we go thru our busy life we forget the friends that have been with us since the beginning. I am extremely guilty of that. Lee has pointed me in the "right" direction thru the years in my gun building business, even if he didn't mean to. Just his subtle hints of "someone should build one of those" was all it took. Back in the late 70s I must have driven Lee crazy with all my never ending phone calls but he was always the gentleman he is today, never telling this young man to take a long walk off a short pier.

John Linebaugh I haven't know as long as Lee but he, like Lee, is a true gentleman. We used to sit in his truck and ride around and compare notes and ideas. Time passes and we get busier and there is no longer time for those truck rides nor even time for a phone call. And that is a shame. Neither Lee or I are youngsters anymore. John is considerably younger but he isn't a spring chicken either.

I have a hard time imagining this old world of ours without Lee Jurras, John Linebaugh or John Taffin. I will post this picture to remind me to take time to make that phone call. None of us are here forever and good friends are a cherished part of our lives, never to taken for granted.

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