Rick Sim
You've always been there for me...
Saturday, January 28, 2017, 13:44

South Africa August 2003, YO Celebrity Handgun Hunt, Dec. 2003, South Africa 2004 with my 17-yo son Mark: 3 cherished hunting experiences as my first wife was dying of cancer. I was a mess, you made life tolerable, doubt you knew.

Last two HHCs with my wife Phyllis and then grandson Ty, now, the HHC in March and then on to a third trip to Africa in May/Jun.

Innumerable phone calls, bitch sessions, listening to my venting, answering my 1,000s of questions...

And, last but not least, all these beautiful custom firearms in my safe keeping, at a very fair price, cherished heirlooms to pass on...to sons, daughters and grandchildren.

Yeah, add your name to the three you mentioned brother.

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