I found that (mine anyway, a PM45) will
Thursday, October 31, 2024, 10:06

function fine with military spec. old school type 1911 mags. The late versions will not work, just the old WWII type. The CW is just as good a gun. The sights are in dovetails, and it's shaped a little different in the slide, the barrel is by Walther, polygonal rifled. CW's have normal Ballard type rifling with is better for lead bullets, it fills the bore more completely.

I also carry a G30s and a G23/19/33 (they all are the same gun basically except for the barrel - I have all to swap .40, 9, .357) but the 30/19 are the same size. The PM is about an inch thick and notably easier to carry and shoot for a defense rig. It's not going to get accidentally fired by a wad of t-shirt in a holster. The factory mag holds only (5) so with a chambered round it's a 6-shot. My backup G.I. Colt mag holds 8! The G30s is a 10+1 but fat as a G19.

Either loaded with 230 gr. are a proven round for man or beast.


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