I was feeding our goats in sub-freezing temps and while wearing jeans and western boots I walked through some hay in the barn. SOMETHING, this weed thing got under my pants. As I walked around doing chores this THING crawled up one leg, danced around my under-sorts, to finally arrive up between my shoulder-blades, (about the same time I finished and got back to the house) in the layer between my undershirt and sweatshirt. All itchy the entire way. It was this weed thing. Admittedly divinely designed by the Lord himself for some unknown reason. It was so effective at it's purpose, traveling around. A weed!
Around here there are numerous plants and things you know to watch for. Poison ivy and poison oak in the woods. The low growing three leaf little plants you may fall or drop something into, and the thick hairy vines that grow up the sides of trees. Firewood also may have some on it. The smoke, if inhaled or allowed to flow over the skin can break you out in a terrible and uncomfortable, long lasting, rash.The stuff is everywhere. Also there are several poison plants so you just don't want to walk around and grab a twig to chew on. Some enjoy fungus and mushrooms as wild food but the knowledge required to identify vs the ramifications of getting it wrong, and the consumption positives, are just not worth it to me. But everyone must live their own life.
I remember at the Y-O this poor fellow walking to the Chuck-wagon building wandered off the road and fell into some type of mean cactus. He was in a very poor state. They had duct tape trying to give some relief but the helpers were also getting stuck. I have read that Elmers Glue smeared on the skin to be peeled off is magic for such things. I knew to stay clear of cactus looking stuff. The goat head sand burs that were being tracked into the house were my focus! Why oh Lord? What is the purpose? A botanical minor form of the law, from the expulsion of the garden, reminding man of his unrighteousness?! Horrible stuff!
In AK a very thoughtful guide showed me a native plant called Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus). The name says it all. He told me to avoid it at all costs. I'm not joking, 30 seconds after he showed it to me, I turned around and walked into one with my naked hand. A needle stuck me right at the hinge of my trigger finger! Not 10 minutes into my long prepared AK bear hunt. It hurt me the entire trip. On the plane going home the festered blister broke and ejected the terrible little sticker. Relief just in time to go home. Perfect.
If bugs were not enough...
- WB, 2025-01-28, 08:34
- growing up in Tennessee there were plenty of - Gary Reeder, 2025-01-29, 15:06
Wild mushrooms
- Winnturner48, 2025-01-28, 12:14
- As a kid my first ever job was pulling old chickens from - WB, 2025-01-28, 13:10
- As they used to say in the Arizona desert .. - Jim Taylor, 2025-01-28, 09:09