bushes that would sting you if you touched them so we knew to simply don't touch them. Easy. Along the creek bank where I fished it was full of those "stinger bushes" and they would really put a sting on you if you did. We didn't have the Devil's Club but had some that were just as bad. I wasn't allergic to the bite of poison ivy or poison oak so I didn't have to worry about them.
If bugs were not enough...
- WB, 2025-01-28, 08:34
- growing up in Tennessee there were plenty of - Gary Reeder, 2025-01-29, 15:06
Wild mushrooms
- Winnturner48, 2025-01-28, 12:14
- As a kid my first ever job was pulling old chickens from - WB, 2025-01-28, 13:10
- As they used to say in the Arizona desert .. - Jim Taylor, 2025-01-28, 09:09