the chicken houses. I could only carry two in each hand as I was just a lad. Nastiest job I know of ever. Tall talk from someone with Wastewater Operator licenses! The old layers had their butts wore out and needed swapping out. We handed the rough treated birds off to guys placing them in wood open crates on a semi. The live ones that made it to Cambells got put in their soup, the ones already dead got put into dog food. Hopefully! That was early 1970's.
If bugs were not enough...
- WB, 2025-01-28, 08:34
- growing up in Tennessee there were plenty of - Gary Reeder, 2025-01-29, 15:06
Wild mushrooms
- Winnturner48, 2025-01-28, 12:14
- As a kid my first ever job was pulling old chickens from - WB, 2025-01-28, 13:10
- As they used to say in the Arizona desert .. - Jim Taylor, 2025-01-28, 09:09